Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 4: My neighbourhood - Looking back and project

I. Revision


II. Practice




Write a description of your neighbourhood

- Where it is

- What it has

- How the people/the streets/ the weather... is/are

- Other...

ppt 27 trang minhvi99 11/03/2023 1240
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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 4: My neighbourhood - Looking back and project

  1. Monday 23rd Nov, 2020 Looking back & Project I. Revision Mindmap
  2. Monday 23rd Nov, 2020 Looking back & Project I. Revision Mindmap II. Practice Vocabulary
  3. +4 railway station statue park
  4. +1 temple memorial park
  5. +3 railway station memorial cathedral
  6. Vocabulary 1. WRITE THE CORRECT WORD FOR EACH PICTURE statue railway station park temple memorial cathedral
  7. Monday 23rd Nov, 2020 Looking back & Project I. Revision Mindmap II. Practice Vocabulary Grammar
  8. GRAMMAR 4. NOW WRITE THEIR COMPARATIVE FORM IN THE TABLE NOW Adjectives Comparative form fast faster convenient more convenient noisy noisier difficult more difficult heavy heavier expensive more expensive happy happier hot hotter polluted more polluted exciting more exciting large larger quiet quieter
  9. Monday 23rd Nov, 2020 Looking back & Project I. Revision Mindmap II. Practice Vocabulary Grammar Communication
  10. Finished! Now I can Finished! Now I can ✔ ✔✔ ✔✔✔ • name places • give directions • use adjectives to describe places • compare things
  11. PROJECT WHAT YOUR IDEA NEIGHBOURHOOD 1. Find a photo or draw a picture of your neighbourhood
  12. Monday 23rd Nov, 2020 Looking back & Project I. Revision Mindmap II. Practice Vocabulary Grammar Project III. Homework