Bài tập nghỉ dịch Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 - Unit 10

Task 3. Read the questions. Write about one of your school events in the future. There is one example (0).

0. What’s your name?
1. Which school event are you going to talk about?
2. When will it be?
3. What are you going to do for it?
4 .Do you like this event? Why? / Why not?
0. My name is ______.
1. There are a lot of events at my school, but I like __________________the best.
2. It’ll be __________________________________.
3. I’m going to _________________________________ for the event.
4. I ________________________ because ____________________________________.
docx 4 trang minhvi99 06/03/2023 3040
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  1. 3. Two girls are going to play the drums. 4. Some of the girls and boys are going to dance. Task 3. Read and number the sentences in the correct order. The conversation begins with 0. A Mum: Really? Where will it be, Minh? B Minh: I’m going to play table tennis. I’m practising hard for it now. C Mum: What are you going to do in the event? 0 D Minh: Mum. It’s only a week until my school Sports Day. E Minh: It’ll be in a sports centre, near my school. Task 4. Look and read. Fill each gap with one word from the box. Write the word next to the number. There is one word that you do not need. There is one example (0). Music school badminton football swim Sports Festival I love all of the events at my (0) school, but I like (1) ___ Day the best. It will be next weekend at the school sports centre. The pupils in my class are going to take part in this event. I like swimming so I’m going to (2) ___. Nam and Hung are going play in a (3)___ match. Hoa and Mai are going to play (4)___. We are practising hard for the sports event. And we hope that we’ll win the competitions. 2
  2. 1. will / be / when / Children's / day ___? 2. there / music / be / weekend / next / a / festival / will ___. 3. you / what / day / going / sports / to / do / are / on ___? 4. event / going / the / to / she / table / play / in / is / tennis ___. Task 3. Read the questions. Write about one of your school events in the future. There is one example (0). 0. What’s your name? 1. Which school event are you going to talk about? 2. When will it be? 3. What are you going to do for it? 4 .Do you like this event? Why? / Why not? 0. My name is ___. 1. There are a lot of events at my school, but I like ___the best. 2. It’ll be ___. 3. I’m going to ___ for the event. 4. I ___ because ___. The end! 4