Bài tập ôn trong đợt nghỉ phòng dịch Tiếng Anh Lớp 4 - Đề 3 - Trường Tiểu học Thái Bảo

Task 3. Read and write True (Đúng) or False (Sai).

Hi. My name’s Mina. I live in Tokyo, Japan. I’m a student at Daisy Primary School. I’m in Grade 4B. I have many friends. Jimmy is one of my best friends. We are in the same class. Jimmy is American. He is from New York. We like playing volley after school.

1. Mina is Japanese.

2. She is Jimmy’s best friend.

3. She studies at Sunflower Primary School

4. Jimmy and Mina are American.

5. They are in Grade 4A.

6. Jimmy likes playing volleyball with Mina after school.

docx 2 trang minhvi99 04/03/2023 2320
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  1. Task 3. Read and write True (Đúng) or False (Sai). Hi. My name’s Mina. I live in Tokyo, Japan. I’m a student at Daisy Primary School. I’m in Grade 4B. I have many friends. Jimmy is one of my best friends. We are in the same class. Jimmy is American. He is from New York. We like playing volley after school. 1. Mina is Japanese. 2. She is Jimmy’s best friend. 3. She studies at Sunflower Primary School 4. Jimmy and Mina are American. 5. They are in Grade 4A. 6. Jimmy likes playing volleyball with Mina after school.