Bài tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 4 - Chương trình cả năm

Hello. I’m Nam. I’m from_______________. 

          a. Japanese              b. America              c. Vietnam              d. Malaysian 

I have a lot of ____________________ in Ha Noi. 

          a. friend                   b. from                    c. friends                 d. country 

We have English __________ Mondays and Thursdays. 

          a. in                         b. on                       c. from                    d. to 

I play sports with my friends ____________ the afternoon. 

          a. in                         b. to                         c. at                         d. on 

She __________ from Australia. 

          a. are                       b. is                         c. am                       d. at 

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  1. V. Fill in the blank with suitable word: 1) Orange juice – drinking – seven – thirty – family It is five (1) now. Hoa’s family is already awake. The
(2) is at the dining table now. Hoa and her father like eating eggs and bread, and (3) tea for breakfast. Her mother likes eating banh chung and meat, and drinking (4) . They are ready to leave for work at (5) o’clock. 2) Grade – student – nurse – school – four My name is Quan. There are (1) people in my family: my parents, my brother and me. We all do different things. My dad is a primary (2) teacher. My mum is a
(3) in a hospital. My brother is a (4) of Ha Noi University, and I am in the fourth (5) at my dad’s school. I love my family and I am happy at my school. 59
  2. I. Odd one out: 1. a. school b. sweet c. pharmacy d. bakery 2. a. film b. buy c. water d. book 3. a. see b. watch c. go d. firework 4. a. banh chung b. flower c. lucky money d. visit 5. a. New Year b. Tet c. Women’s Day d. Month 6. a. firework display b. pork c. rice d. beef 7. a. thick b. thin c. how d. small 8. a. morning b. lunch c. afternoon d. evening 9. a. get up b. vegetable c. go to bed d. go home 10. a. chicken b. water c. lemonade d. apple juice II. Put the words in correct order: 1. bed/ to/ at/ o’clock/ She/ 10/ goes/. 2. Let’s/ swimming/ go/ to/ pool/ the/. 3. firework/ like/ to/ She/ would/ watch/ display/. 4. am/ I/ and/ hungry/ I / like/ some/ would/ noodles/. 5. father/ home/ at/ 5.30 pm/ My/ goes/. 6. some/ to/ books/ want/ I /buy/. 7. animals/ see/ She/ wants/ the/ to/. 8. do/ Mai/ go/ and/ Tony/ Where/? 9. like/ They/ would/ to/ to/ the/ go/ sweetshop/. 10. the/ want/ pharmacy./ go/ to/ to/ would/ I / like/ because/ I / to/ medicine/ buy/ some/. A- ZOO B- GREENGROCER’S C-NEWSAGENT’S 61
  3. UNIT 17: HOW MUCH IS THE T-SHIRT? *Cách đọc số đến hàng triệu 1 : one 16 : sixteen 2 : two 17 : seventeen 3 : three 18 : eighteen 4 : four 19 : nineteen 5 : five 20 : twenty 6 : six 30 : thirty 7 : seven 40 : forty 8 : eight 50 : fifty 9 : nine 60 : sixty 10 : ten 70 : seventy 11 : eleven 80 : eighty 12 : twelve 90 : ninety 13 : thirteen trăm : hundred 14 : fourteen ngàn : thousand 15 : fifteen triệu : million * Từ 30 số căn bản này người ta đọc số đếm theo nguyên tắc sau: • Giữa số hàng chục và số hàng đơn vị có gạch nối khi viết. E.g.: (38) thirty-eight; (76) seventy-six • Sau hundred có and. E.g.: (254) two hundred and fifty-four; (401) four hundred and one. * Hỏi giá tiền của một thứ gì đó Hỏi: How much is/are + vật cần hỏi giá? (Vật này giá bao nhiêu tiền?) Đáp: It’s + số đếm + đơn vị tiền. (Nó có giá ) E.g.: How much is the T-shirt? (Cái áo phông giá bao nhiêu?) It’s forty-five thousand dong. (Nó có giá 45,000 đồng.) Lưu ý: Khi viết rút gọn giá tiền, chúng mình đặt đơn vị tiền lên trước số tiền đó. Trong tiếng Anh, cứ mỗi ba chữ số tính từ hàng đơn vị, người ta dùng dấu phẩy chứ 63
  4. IV. Circle the correct answer 1. I want to buy some food, so I’d like to go to the . (school/ police station/ grocery’s/ office) 2. On hot days, I wear . (T-shirt/ jacket/ coat/ scarf) 3. My father at 5 p.m. (has breakfast/ go home/ goes home/ have dinner) 4. is fun for many children. (Children’s Day/ Teachers’ Day/ Women’s Day/ Winter) 5. She is thirsty. She wants something to . (eat/ drink/ cook/ draw) 6. Teachers’ Day is on (December 25th/ November 20th/ March 12th/ April 30th) 7. My brother is short and . (fat/ tall/ long/ like) 8. My mother gets up to cook breakfast. (late/ early/ home/ school) V. Fill in the blanks with ONE suitable word T-shirt clothes pair wears sandals Nam wears different clothes for schooldays. On hot days, he often (1) blue cap, a red scarf, a white (2) , a pair of blue shorts and a pair of (3) On cold days, he wears a cap, a scarf and a yellow jacket over a brown jumper and a (4) of black shoes. Nam likes hot days because he can wear light (5) to school. Read again and put a tick (√) if the information is T (True) or F (False) True False 1. Nam wears a green T-shirt on hot days. 2. His shorts are blue. 3. He wears a cap on cold days. 4. His jacket is blue. 5. His shoes are black. 65
  5. o One moment please (Xin chờ một lát) để đi gọi người cần nói chuyện điện thoại đến nghe. * Để rủ/mời xem ai có thích làm gì không Hỏi: Would you like to + V? Để trả lời CÓ: o I'd love to. (Tôi rất thích.) (I’d là viết tắt của I would) o That's very nice. (Tuyệt đấy.) o That's a great idea. (Ý hay đấy.) o Great! (Hay đấy!) o That sounds great. (Nghe tuyệt đấy.) Để trả lời KHÔNG: o Sorry, I can't. (Xin lỗi, mình không thể.) o Sorry, I'm busy. (Xin lỗi, mình bận rồi.) o I can't. I have to do homework. (Mình không thể. Mình phải làm bài tập về nhà.) E.g.: Mrs. Thuan: Would you like to go to the cinema? (Bạn có muốn đi xem phim không?) Trang: That’s a great idea! hoặc Sorry, I’m busy. 67
  6. 7. I would like an apple. - Here you A. is B. are C. a D. an 10. I learn to read and write during 8. Peter can a bike English lesson. A. ride A. but B. play B. to C. stay C. on D. drink D. and 9. you like a candy? - No, 11. Would you like to go out with me? thanks. A. No, I would A. Who B. Yes, I would B. When C. Sorry, I can’t C. Would D. No, please D. How III. Complete the sentence 1. Can I have a look that T-shirt? 2. orange T-shirt is thirty thousand dong. 3. The green skirt seventy thousand dong. 4. These yellow trousers are nice. 5. Let's ask the sale assistant price. 6. How much .these trousers? 7. The pair . yellow trousers is ninety-five thousand dong. 8. The pair of black white shoes is eighty thousand dong. 9. It's a birthday present my father. 10. What's your phone number? is 0987 487 823. 11. May I speak Mai, please? 12. Would you like to go a picnic? 13. I have ask my parents. 69
  7. I. Write the name of these animals in English: II. Choose the best answer: 1) do you want to see? A. What an animal B. What’s animal C. What animal D. What those animal 2) Let’s to the zoo. A. going B. goes C. went D. go 3) I . to see monkeys every day. A. am B. want C. wants D. wanted 4) Why do you want to go to the zoo? - . I want to see crocodiles. A. So B. Because C. Then D. Next 5) But it's . now. Let's go there later. 71
  8. UNIT 20: WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO THIS SUMMER? * Nói về dự định của ai đó Để nói về ý định, dự định của ai đó trong tương lai, chúng mình dùng cấu trúc câu sau: Dạng khẳng định: S + be + going to + Vinf Dạng phủ định: S + be + not + going to + Vinf E.g.: I am going to visit my grandparents this weekend. He is not going to Ha Long Bay this summer. * Hỏi về dự định của ai đó Hỏi: What + be + S + going to do? Đáp: S + be + going to + V. E.g.: What are you going to do this weekend? I am going to stay at home. I. Reorder the letters 1. a l i s d n 2. b d i u l 3. b t o a 4. y t a s 5. e s o o f d a 73
  9. 6. J E I A N S . 7. S I E A F O O D . 8. B O U A T . 9. J A C K I E T . 10. B U E I L D . IV. Underline and correct the wrong word 1. I is going to Hue Imperial City. . 2. We are going to go shop. . 3. What do your father do? . . 4. How much is the shoes? . 5. What are your telephone number? 6. What is they going to do next summer? 7. She is going to listen to music yesterday. 8. Am you going to HCM city this summer? 9. What time does you get up? . 10. I wants to see crocodiles. . 75
  10. III. Complete the dialogue with appropriate words: IV. Read and Match 1. A B 1. Where are you from? a. It’s in May. 1 . 2. When’s your birthday? b. I’m ten years old. 2 . 3. How old are you? c. No, I can’t 3 4. Would you like some milk? d. I’m from Vietnam 4 5. Can you swim? e. Yes, please 5 2. A B 0. What’s your name? a. My name’s Hung 0 1. Where is Alan from? b. Yes, she does. 1 2. I’m sorry. I’m late. c. I like Music and 2 3. What subjects do you like? science. 3 4. Can you play football? d. Yes, I can. 4 5. Does she like English? e. Not at all. 5 6. How many books are there on the f. There are twelve books. 6 shelf? g. He is from Singapore 77
  11. TERM 2 - REVISION I. Choose the best answer 1. My father to work at 7:30 a. go b. gos c.goes 2. We breakfast at 6:15. a. have b. has c. haves 3. Nam .TV at 3p.m a. watch b. watchs c. watches 4. Lili and Alan .homework at 7 o’clock. a. do b. dos c. does 5. Her friends lunch at 12:00 at school. a. go b. have c. do II. Use the given words to make complete sentences 1. I/ school/ 7 o’clock ___ 2. Peter/ homework/ 3pm.___ 3. Linda and Mai/ TV/ evening.___ 4. I and Lan/ lunch/ 11:30.___ 5. My sister/ up/ 6 o’clock.___ III. Find and correct the mistake 1. We go to bed on 9 o’clock. ___ 2. May watchs TV at 8 o’clock.___ 3. I gets up at 5:30 ___ 4. Tony and Mary has dinner at 6:30.___ 5. His brother do his homework in the evening.___ 79
  12. 4. What time does he come back home?___ 5. Does he play football with his brother in the afternoon?___ 6. What time does he go to bed?___ VII. Write the words in the correct columns: Lemonade coke meat water chicken beef milk vegetable apple juice rice FOOD DRINK VIII. Choose the correct answer: 1. I like meat .It’s my favourite .(drink/ food/ school) 2. Alan coffee .It’s his favourite drink (like/ likes/ liking) 3. Hoa likes bread. It’s favourite food. (her/ my/ his) 4. What their favourite food or drink? (am/ is/ are) 5. Hamburger is our .food. (like/ likes/ favourite) IX. Fill in the gaps: 1. We like beef. It’s our favourite 2. His father likes beer. It’s his favourite 3. Lili likes noodles. It’s favourite food. 4. What’s favourite drink? I like cocacola. 5. Linda likes fish and apple juice. are her favourite food and drink. X. Find and correct the mistake: 1. Mai likes rice. It’s her favorite drink .___ 2. He favorite drink is orange juice .___ 81
  13. 4. favourite/ Red/ is/ his/ colour. 5. dogs/ look/ The/ the/ can/ house./ after XIV. Read and answer the questions below On my eleventh birthday, my mother gave me a skirt. It’s red and black. It’s 200.000 dong. I like it very much. I usually wear it on special day. 1. What did her mother give her? . 2. What colour is it? 3. How much is it? 4. When does she wear the skirt? 83