Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 - Unit 6: Stand up! - Lesson 1: Parts 1, 2, 3 - Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Hoa

A.COMPETENCES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the words or phrases related to the classroom instruction.

- Give and respond to classroom instructions.

-  Develop listening and speaking skills.


1. Vocabulary:  stand up, sit down, come here, be quiet, don’t talk, open your book, close your book, please

2. Sentence Patterns: * Yêu cầu ai đó làm gì lịch sự 

- Sit down, please!

- Please, sit down!

3. Skill:          Main    :   Listening and Speaking Skills.

                       Sub     :  Reading, Writing Skills.

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  1. + T checks Ps’ understanding. + T gives new language: * Sentence Patterns: Yêu cầu ai đó làm gì lịch sự - Sit down, please! - Please, sit down! 2. Point, say and do the actions (10’) * Pre - speaking - T tells the class that they are going to learn about some classroom instructions. - T elicits the instructions using the techniques of teaching vocabulary (pictures, mimes, ) + come here + stand up + don’t talk + sit down + open your book + be quiet + close your book - T reads first, Ss read after all the instructions one by one. - Ss say aloud in chorus – groups - individual - T checks vocabulary: T speaks Vietnamese, Ss speak English, then exchange. * While – speaking - 1st time: T and one student do an example as a model. - 2nd time: Ss work in pairs to do actions and give instructions to their partners, then exchange the roles. T helps if necessary. - T invites some pairs to practise. T remarks. * Post - speaking - Ss play a game: “Guessing game” - T explains how to play the game for Ss: 4 Ss of 4 groups come to the board, the others of their groups try to do actions to help them think and say out the right instructions. The winner is the student who can say out the right instructions fastest. 3. Let’s talk: (7’)