Phiếu bài tập ở nhà Tiếng Anh Lớp 5

Task 3. Read the questions. Write about your friend’s health problem and give advice. There is one example (0).

0. What’s her name?
1. How old is he/she?
2. What’s the matter with him/her?
3. Where’s he/she now?
4. What should he/she do? Why?
5. What should he/she not do? Why not? 


docx 10 trang minhvi99 06/03/2023 3880
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Nội dung text: Phiếu bài tập ở nhà Tiếng Anh Lớp 5

  1. pain in her tooth. In the morning, Mum took her to the hospital to see the dentist. The dentist said that Mary should brush her teeth after meals. She should not eat sweet things in the evening. True False 0. My sister is 4 years old. 1. She likes eating sweet things in the evening. 2. She had a toothache yesterday. 3. She went to the hospital with her father. 4. The dentist said that she should brush her teeth every morning. 5. May shouldn’t eat sweet things in the evening. Task 3. Read and number the sentences in the correct order. The conversation begins with 0. A Jack: Poor Jill! Let's go to see her in the afternoon. B Jane: She’s at home. 0 C Jack: I can’t see Jill today. Where’s she? D Jane: She has a fever. E Jack: What’s the matter with her? F Jane: OK. See you this afternoon then. Task 4. Look and read. Fill each gap with one word from the box. Write the word next to the number. There is one word that you do not need. There is one example (0).
  2. 2. She has a ___ throat. 3. He should see the ___. 4. She shouldn’t eat a lot of ___. 5. She shouldn’t ___ TV. Task 2. Order the words. There is one example. Example: feel / very / I / don’t / today / well I don’t feel very well today. 1. you / the / what’s / with / matter ___? 2. have / a / I / throat / sore ___. 3. should / see / you / doctor / the ___. 4. shouldn’t / carry / you / things / heavy ___.
  3. climb fall off cut yourself run down get a burn roll off Example: You go up a tree or the stairs with your feet and hands. climb 1. You hurt yourself with a knife. ___ 2. You drop yourself from something like a bike or a tree. ___ 3. You hurt yourself by touching very hot things like fire. ___ 4. You go down very fast. ___ 5. You fall off a bed or a sofa ___ Task 2. Read and tick True or False. There is one example (0). One day Mike was bored. He was in the living room when his mother was in the kitchen. Suddenly, his mother smelled something burned. She went into the living room and said, ‘Mike, stop it. Don’t play with those matches or you may get a burn’. Mike answered, ‘OK, I won’t do that again. I’ll put them away.’ True False 0. One day, Mike was happy. 1. He was in the living room.
  4. knives matches burn Summer is coming, here are some tips to keep your children safe. First, don’t let them (0) play alone near water like a lake or a swimming pool. They may (1)___ into the water. Second, never let them (2) ___ trees. They may fall down and (3)___ their arms or legs. Third, don’t let them play with dangerous things like (4)___ or matches. They may cut themselves or get a (5)___. II. WRITING Task 1. Look at the pictures. Read and write one word for each gap. There is one example. Example: Don’t touch the stove. 1. Don’t ___ the stairs.
  5. Task 3. Read the questions. Write safety tips for children. There is one example (0). 0. Why shouldn’t children climb trees? 1. Why shouldn’t children play with a knife? 2. Why shouldn’t children play with matches? 3. Why shouldn’t children ride their bike too fast? 4. Why shouldn’t children go out alone? 5. Why shouldn’t children play on the balcony? 0. Children shouldn’t climb trees because they may fall down and break their arms or legs. 1. They shouldn’t play with a knife because ___. 2. They shouldn’t play with matches because___. 3. They shouldn’t ride their bike too fast because___. 4. They shouldn’t go out alone because ___. 5. They shouldn’t play on the balcony because___. THE END