Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 12: Life on other planets - Lesson 5: Skill 2


1.Learn by heart the new words.

2. Speak  with your friends

3. Prepare for the next..

pptx 9 trang minhvi99 11/03/2023 1300
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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 12: Life on other planets - Lesson 5: Skill 2

  1. UNIT 12:
  2. Jupiter much bigger more powerful lots of hair thick skin four eyes happiness fear Energy rocks All Call ABProgram + StartA + AV1 Student Demo
  3. All Call Pair Student Demo
  4. 1. Learn by heart the new words. 2. Speak with your friends 3. Prepare for the next