Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 12: Life on other planets - Looking back and project

1. He asked me how I would react if I saw an alien.

2. The teacher asked me which planet was most suitable for human life.

3. My friend asked me when humans had first landed on the moon.

4. She asked me what the difference between a planet and a star was.

5. They asked if there was water on Mars.

1. The teacher asked her students what the essential conditions for human life were.

2. Samuel asked the scientists if humans had been able to communicate with people on other planets.

3. Nick asked the journalist if the Roswell UFO incident had taken place in the US in June 1947.

4. Vanessa asked her uncle who was the witness in the Roswell UFO incident had been.

5. The son asked his father when humans would be able to travel from one planet to another more easily.


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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 12: Life on other planets - Looking back and project

  1. Vocabulary Aliens Space buggy weightless Solar system planet Spaceship Flying saucer galaxy
  2. Grammar 3. Underline the correct answers
  3. 1. He asked me how I would react if I saw an alien. 2. The teacher asked me which planet was most suitable for human life. 3. My friend asked me when humans had first landed on the moon. 4. She asked me what the difference between a planet and a star was. 5. They asked if there was water on Mars.
  4. 1. The teacher asked her students what the essential conditions for human life were. 2. Samuel asked the scientists if humans had been able to communicate with people on other planets. 3. Nick asked the journalist if the Roswell UFO incident had taken place in the US in June 1947. 4. Vanessa asked her uncle who was the witness in the Roswell UFO incident had been. 5. The son asked his father when humans would be able to travel from one planet to another more easily.
  5. Project Space buggy Vosko spacecraft Space shuttle
  6. 2. Work in groups. Choose a space vehicle or machine you like from the pictures or elsewhere. 3. Search for information about the vehicle or machine.