Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 2: Life in the countryside - Lesson 1: Getting started - Lại Thị Thoa

Can you think of some more things that children do in the countryside? Make a list.

• They climb trees.

• They go swimming in the river.

• They go fishing in the river. 

• They collect the fruits. 

• They help do the farm-work.

• They herd the cattle.

• They feed the chickens (foultry).

pptx 13 trang minhvi99 04/03/2023 5220
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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 2: Life in the countryside - Lesson 1: Getting started - Lại Thị Thoa

  1. Match the activities with the pictures. 1. flying a kite 2. herding buffaloes 3. riding a horse 4. collecting water 5. drying the rice 6. loading the rice f
  2. Vocabulary: 1. ( to) harvest : thu hoạch, gặt 2. ( to) herd : chăn (trâu, bò) 3. ( to) dry : phơi khô (lúa ) 4. ( to) load : chất lên, tải 5. ( to) transport : vận chuyển 6. ( to) explore : khám phá 7. ( to) envious :ghen tị 8. buffalo-drawn cart (n) : xe bò
  3. b. Answer the following questions 1. Where is Nguyen now? in the countryside. 2. When was he able to make new friends? right on his first day here. 3. What is Nguyen’s kite like? big and colorful. 4. Who is Nguyen probably staying with? his grandfather. 5. Does Nick want to be there with Nguyen? Yes, he does.
  4. c. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. buffalo-drawn cart colourful herding move slowly harvest time paddy field 1. When a thing has lots of bright colours, it is ___. 2. When people are not in a hurry, they ___. 3. A busy time when people collect their crops is called ___. 4. A place where rice grows is called a ___. 5. My brother is taking his buffaloes out to feed them. He’s ___ them. 6. Rice is loaded onto a ___ to transport it home.
  5. 3. Can you think of some more things that children do in the countryside? Make a list. • They climb trees. • They go swimming in the river. • They go fishing in the river. • They collect the fruits. • They help do the farm-work. • They herd the cattle. • They feed the chickens (foultry). .