Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 5: Festivals in Viet Nam - Nguyễn Thị Huệ


•ritual /'rit∫uəl/(n):

•commemorate /kə´meməreit/(v)

•saint /seint/ (n)

•incense /'insens/ (n):

•perform /pə'fo:m/ (v):

àperformance /pə'fo:məns/ (n):

•preserve /pri'zз:v/ (v):


Stress in words ending in –ion and -ian.

Activity 1b:   Now listen and repeat the words.

competition  commemoration     procession

preservation  confusion            magician

musician            vegetarian    companion

ppt 13 trang minhvi99 06/03/2023 3200
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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 5: Festivals in Viet Nam - Nguyễn Thị Huệ

  1. Game -watch a video about festivals in Viet Nam -2 teams will go to the board and write names of the festival one by one in 90 seconds -the team who gives correct names and more festivals will become the winner
  3. Activity 1. Match the words to their meanings: 1.to preserve A.a show B.an act of special meaning that 2.to worship you do in the same way each time 3.a performance C.to keep a tradition alive D.to remember and celebrate 4.a ritual something or someone 5.to commemorate E.to show respect and love for something or someone
  4. Activity 3. Match the nouns with each verb. A noun can go with more than one verb. a ceremony a show a celebration an anniversary a hero good fortune a ritual a god a reunion 1. WATCH a ceremony , a show 2. HAVE a ceremony, an anniversary, a ritual, a show,a hero a god, a celebration, good fortune, a reunion 3. WORSHIP a god, a hero 4. PERFORM a ritual, a ceremony, a show
  5. Activity 2: Listen and stress the words below. Pay attention to the endings. 1. procession 5. politician 2. companion 6. musician 3. production 7. historian 4. competition 8. librarian
  6. Homework • Learn by heart the vocabulary • Do the exercises again at home. • Find 6 words that have the ending in –ion or –ian . • Prepare A closer look 2