Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 7: Pollution - Lesson 5: Skills 1


groundwater (n): nước thải sống, nước cống

sewage (n): nước thải sống, nước cống

pesticide (n): thuốc trừ sâu

herbicide (n): thuốc diệt cỏ

cholera (n): bệnh tả

non – point source solution (n): ô nhiễm không nguồn

pptx 18 trang minhvi99 06/03/2023 2320
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  1. PICTURE A PICTURE B The ducks are white The ducks are black They’re going to the lake They’re going from the lake There aren’t any factories There are some factories near the lake near the lake The lake water is clean The lake water is dirty
  2. A. READING. 1. Vocabulary - groundwater (n): nước thải sống, nước cống - sewage (n): nước thải sống, nước cống - pesticide (n): thuốc trừ sâu - herbicide (n): thuốc diệt cỏ - cholera (n): bệnh tả - non – point source solution (n): ô nhiễm không nguồn
  3. 2. Ex 2 (P.12) 1 2 3
  4. 3. Read the text again and complete the notes about the effects of water pollution. Fill each blank with no more than three words. 1. If the drinking water is untreated, an outbreak of maycholera happen. 2. People drinking contaminated water may die 3. Fish, crabs or birds, may also die because of p olluted water 4. Other animals may become ill if they eat the dead animals. 5. Herbicides kill both weeds and aquatic plants
  5. 6. Make a presentation about water pollution based on the diagram.
  6. IV. Homework: - Learn by heart the vocabulary. - Do the exercises D1,2- 7 (Workbook) - C2,3- 7 (Exercise notebook) - Prepare: Unit 7 (Skills 2)