Bài tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 7: Traffic

1. …………………..does it take to go from Ha Noi to Ho Chi Minh City by plane?

             A. How far                   B. How much               C. How long                 D. How many

2. There……………a bus station in the city center, but it has been move to the suburds.

             A. used to be                B. used to have            C. use to have              D. were

3. I………………..marbles when I was young but now I don’t.

             A. play                          B. used to play                          C. have played             D. didn’t use to play

4. We should…………….the street at the zebra crossing.

             A. walk                         B. walk on                    C. walk through           D. walk cross

5. Drivers have to……………….their seatbelt whenever they drive.

             A. put                            B. tie                              C. fasten                       D. put on

6. We should wait for the traffic lights……………….before you cross the street.

             A. turn green                B. to turn green            C. turn yellow              D. to turn yellow

7. All of us have to obey………………..strickly.

             A. traffic rules             B. traffic                       C. traffic jam                D. regular

8. Cyclists and motorists have to wear……………when they ride a motorbike.

             A. hard hat                    B. cap                            C. mask                         D. helmet

9. He forgot to give a…………….before he turned left and got a ticket.

             A. signal                       B. sign                           C. light                          D. hand

10. ……………..is it from your house to your school?

             A. How often               B. How long                 C. How far                    D. How much

doc 3 trang minhvi99 04/03/2023 3140
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  1. 6. I usually stayed up late to watch football matches last year, but now I don’t. I used 7. Linda doesn’t live with her parent any more. Linda 8. My hair is now much longer than that in the past. In the past my hair 9. He is not a poor man any more, but he becomes a rich businessman. He used . 10. Did you often go to the beach when you lived in Nha Trang? Did you use ? 11. Mr and Mrs Smith are flying to Ha Noi now. TRAVELLING . 12. Van had a motorbike once, but he doesn’t have any more. USED . 13. My father usually goes to work by car. DRIVES . 14. This part of th city didn’t have traffic jams very often. USE . 15. I used to walk to school when I was young. FOOT IV. Read Transport in London is expensive. The fare depends on the length of the journey; you can not buy or book tickets in advance. Children under sixteen pay half, and those under five travel free. You usually buy bus tickets from the conductor, but some buses you pay the driver. Most London buses are double-deckers. On the underground railway (or tube) you buy your ticket from the machine or ticket office, and give it up at the end of the journey. Not all trains from one platform go to the same place, so watch the signs. The last train leaves at 1.15 p.m. 1. The fare depends on the of the journey. A. way B. distance C. time 2. Children under five don’t have to when they use public transport. A. give B. pay C. buy 3. You should buy bus tickets from the but on some buses you pay the driver. A. machine B. driver C.conductor 4. On the underground railway (or tube) you buy your ticket .the machine or ticket office. A. from B. in C. on 5. Not all trains from one go to the same place, so watch the signs. A. station B. platform C. railway V. Read The streets are crowded with traffic. Taxis are bringing tired people from the airport and the train stations to the hotels. They hope to sleep a few hours before their busy day in the big city. Trucks are bringing fresh fruit and vegetables into the city. Ships are bringing food and fuel to the harbour. By seven o’clock in the morning, the streets are filled again with people. Millions of people live in the big city, and millions of people who work in the big city live in the suburbs, the commuters, are hurrying to get to their offices. Everyone is in a hurry. Some stop only to drink a cup of coffee. Others stop tobuy a morning paper or to have breakfast. The noise of traffic gets louder. The policemen blow their whistles to sto the traffic or to hurry it alone. 1. Where do taxis often take people from? 2. What are trucks bringing? And what about ships? 3. Who are commuters? 4. What do people often do when they are in a hurry in the early morning? . 5. What do the policemen do to control the traffic?