Bài tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Mệnh đề quan hệ

Fill in each blanket with a suitable relative pronoun or adverb:

1.The building ________   was destroyed in the tsunami has now been rebuilt.

2.The woman ________ lives in apartment No.2 is an English teacher.

3.The man ________ name I don’t know is an architect.

4.The boy ________ she met yesterday is very clever.

5.The place ________ we spent our summer holiday was really beautiful.

6.My color TV, ________ I bought last week, always gives beautiful pictures.

7.Do you remember the day ________ we first met?

8.I have recently gone back to the town in ________ I was born and grew up.

9.Mr. Johnson, ________ assisted me in studying, is a famous professor.

10.Do you know the people and the scenery ________ you saw on T.V last night?

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  1. Fill in each blanket with a suitable relative pronoun or adverb: 1. The buildingwhich/that___ was destroyed in the tsunami has now been rebuilt. 2. The woman ___Who/thatlives in apartment No.2 is an English teacher. 3. The man ___whose name I don’t know is an architect. 4. The boy ___whom she met yesterday is very clever. 5. The place ___where we spent our summer holiday was really beautiful. 6. My color TV, ___which I bought last week, always gives beautiful pictures. 7. Do you remember the day ___when we first met? 8. I have recently gone back to the town in ___which I was born and grew up. 9. Mr. Johnson, ___who assisted me in studying, is a famous professor. 10. Do you know the people and the scenery ___that you saw on T.V last night?
  2. * N xác định: - Khi N trc nó có chứa this, these, that, those. Ex : That hat, which I bought last Sunday, is cheap - Khi N trc nó có chứa các TTSH : my, her, his , our, their , your, its. Ex : Her mother, who is cleaning the house, is good - Khi N đó là N riêng : Mr Nam, who often comes here, has bought a car.
  3. B. “ That”không được dùng khi Ex : 1. This is John, whom I am talking about That 2. This is John, about whom I am talking That - Trong MĐQH không xác định ( sau dấu phẩy) - Sau giới từ 2. Rút gọn của MĐQH a.* Bởi Ving: 1.Do you know the woman who is coming toward us? Do you know the woman coming toward us? 2. The road that joins the two villages is very narrow. The road joining the two villages is very narrow. Khi V trg MĐQH mang nghĩa CĐ, chia ở thì tiếp diễn, HTĐ diễn tả 1 chân lý 3. There is a crowd of students ___ for the lecturer outside the hall. A. to wait B. waiting C.to waiting D. are waiting
  4. - Khi MĐQH có chứa Nphr * Bởi Nph 1.Kuala Lumpur, which is the capital city of Malaysia , is a major trade center in Southeast Asia. →Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia , is a major trade center in Southeast Asia. 2. Simon Bolivar, who was a great South American general, led the fight for independence early in the 19th century →Simon Bolivar, a great South American general, led the fight for independence early in the 19th century
  5. 3. Which dùng trong MĐQHKXĐ thay thế cho nghĩa cả câu He failed the exam . This made his parents disappointed . → He failed the exam, which made his parents disappointed . 4. which, whom dùng sau 1 số cụm từ both of, most of trong MĐQHKXĐ 1. We were given a lot of information . Most of the information was useless . → We were given a lot of information, most of which was useless . 2. Julia has two sisters . Both of her sisters are teacher . →Julia has two sisters, both of whom are teacher . 3. I have sent her two letters . She has received neither of these letters . →I have sent her two letters, neither of which she has received. 4. Mary has three brothers . All of her brothers are married → Mary has three brothers, all of whom are married
  6. I. Choose the best answer 1. The dog, ___tail I stepped on, bit me. A. which B. whom C. who D. whose 2. Catherine, ___ a monitor of the class, is aslso the captain of the basketball team. A. Whose is B. O C. whom is D. which is ( ĐỀ THI 10 BN 2009-2010} 3. A newspaper ___is published everyday is called a daily newspaper A. Which B. what C. it D. who 4.Viet nam is a country ___exports a lot of rice. A. Who B. which C. where D. what (ĐỀ THI 10 BN 2012-2013) 5. The people about ___the novelist wrote were factory workers and their families. A. That B. who C. whom D. them (ĐỀ THI 10 BN 2020-2021) 6. She gives her children everything ___ they want. A. that B. whose C. where D. who 7. The lady and the dog___ are standing over there are going to the park. A. that B. who C. whom D. which 8. The Mona Lisa, ___ is a painting by Leonardo da Vinci, has caused a lot of disputes. A.which B.who C.it D.they 9. The concert ___ I listened last weekend was boring. A. to that B. to which C. about which D. for which 10. The students___ for the train are good ones. A. waited B. waiting C. which is waiting D. to wait
  7. II. Find a mistake in each sentence then correct it 1. Mrs Lien, that sings very well, is my teacher of English. A → who B C D 2. She is the most beautiful woman whose I have ever met A B C → that (O) D 3. Every student who majors in English are ready to participate in the orchard contest. A B C → is D 4. The policeman must try to catch those men whom drive dangerously. A B C → who D 5. The singer about who I told you yesterday is coming here tomorrow. A → whom B C D 6. Mother’s Day is the day when children show their love to their mother on. A B C D → O 7. Do you know the reason when English men travel to the left? A B C →why D 8. Melanie was the only person writing a letter of thanks. A B C → to write D 9. The people wait for the bus in the rain are getting well. A B → waiting C D 10. Tom made a number of suggestions, most of whom were very helpful. A B C → which D
  8. 6. He drew from the bag a watch which had been given for his birthday. A. He drew from the bag a watch given for his birthday. B. He drew from the bag a watch been given for his birthday. C. He drew from the bag a watch had given for his birthday. D. He drew from the bag a watch had been given for his birthday. 7. One of the drivers who was brought by Steward came over to me. A. One of the drivers that were brought by Steward came over to me. B. One of the drivers was brought by Steward came over to me. C. One of the drivers brought by Steward came over to me. D. One of the drivers bring by Steward came over to me. 8. “ Tsunami’’ is a Japanese word and this word means “harbor wave” A “Tsunami’ is a Japanese word which it means ‘harbor wave” B “Tsunami” is a Japanese word it means “harbor wave” C “Tsunami” is a Japanese word which means “harbor wave” D “Tsunami” means “harbor wave” is a Japanese word. 9. They are looking for the man and his dog and they have lost the way in the forest. A. They are looking for the man and his dog that have lost the way in the forest. B. They are looking for the man and his dog who have lost the way in the forest. C. They have lost the way in the forest which they are looking for the man and his dog. D. The man and his dog are being looked for.
  9. IV. Choose the best answer that best combine each pair of sentences 1.The student next to me kept chewing gum. That bothered me a lot. A. The student next to me kept chewing gum, that bothered me a lot. B. The student next to me kept chewing gum, which bothered me a lot. C. The student next to me kept chewing gum bothering me a lot. D. The student next to me kept chewing gum bothered me a lot. 2. Sue lives in the house. The house is opposite my house. A.Sue lives in the house which is opposite my house. B.Sue lives in the house who is opposite my house. C.Sue lives in the house where is opposite my house. D.Sue lives in the house and which is opposite my house 3. The seeds are ground into flour. The flour is used for pancakes, noodles and breads. A. The seeds are ground into flour which is used for pancakes, noodles and breads. B. The seeds are ground into flour whose is used for pancakes, noodles and breads. C. The flour is used for pancakes, noodles and breads are ground into seeds. D. Pancakes, noodles and breads are used for the flour. 4. Mr.Brown's team has lost the game. He looks very sad. A. Mr.Brown whose team has lost the game looks very sad. B. Mr.Brown whose team lost the game look very sad. C. Mr.Brown who team has lost the game looks very sad. D. Mr.Brown which team has lost the game looks very sad
  10. 10 John is absent from school . His mother is in the hospital A John is absent from school whose mother is in the hospital B John is absent from school who mother is in the hospital C John whose mother is in the hospital is absent from school D john whose mother is in the hospital is absent from the school
  11. II. Rewrite these sentences, using relative pronouns 1. The bus is always crowded. I take it to school every morning 2. I saw a lot of people and horses. They went to market. 3. You sent me a present. Thank you very much for it. 4. The market has refresh vegetables . I usually go to it . 5. The stories are usually funny. She tells the children the stories. 6. My sister has 2 daughters . I often have to look after them 7. The flight was fully booked. We wanted to travel on it. 8. She is the most intelligent woman. I’ve ever met this woman. 9. You didn’t tell us the reason. We have to cut down our daily expenses for that reason 10. There was no body left on the train. This made me suspicious. 11. I lent you a book. It was written by a friend of mine. She lives in France. 12. I was sitting next to a boy in the exams. He told me the answer. 13. I got on a train. I wanted to go to the station. The train didn’t stop there. 14. I read a book. You recommended a book to me. This was a book. 15. Carol is a vegetarian. I cooked a meal for her last week. She enjoyed it. 16. I used to own a dog. People came to the door. The dog never barked at them. 17. They asked me a lot of questions. I couldn’t answer most of them 18.Mary has three brothers. All of them are aboard. 19. The best answer is about economics. They give it to me. 20. She is the fastest woman. She lives in that town.