Đề cương ôn tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 8

1. Present simple tense( Thì hiện tại đơn ):

a. Form (cấu trúc):

 (+)I/ We/ You/ They +  V(bare-inf) + O    

       He/ She/ It + V(s/es) + O

 (-)  I/ We/ You/ They +  do not (don’t) + V(bare-inf) + O 

      He/ She/ It + does not (doesn’t) + V(bare-inf) + O


      Does + He/She/It + V(bare-inf) + O ?

* Cách chia động từ thì hiện tại đơn khi đi với chủ ngữ số ít (Quy tắc thêm s, es):

- Thêm “S” và tận cùng của hầu hết các động từ:

Vd: live à lives, speak à speaks, play à plays, 

 - Thêm “S” vào động từ tận cùng là CH, O, S, SH, X, Z:

Ví dụ: watch à watches, go à goes,  miss à misses, …

- Những động từ có tận cùng là “Y,” thì phải đổi “Y” thành “I” rồi thêm “ES”:

Vd: study à studies, fly à flies, … NHƯNG: PLAY à PLAYS

- Ngoại lệ: be à am/ is/ are, have à has

* Cách phát âm đuôi s, es: Có 3 cách /iz/, /s/ và /z/

- Nếu từ kết thúc bằng- s, -ss,- ch,- sh,- x,-z (-ze),- o,- ge,- ce thì ta phát âm là /iz/.
Mẹo ♥ "sẵn-sàng-chung-shức-xin-z-ô-góp-cơm"
vd: changes/ iz/ ; practices/ iz/ 
- Nếu từ kết thúc bằng :-/ð/,-k,-p- t,- f thì phát âm là /s/: 

......cooks /s/ ; stops / s/                       
Mẹo : 'thời phong kiến phương tây"
Lưu ý : 'laugh' phiên âm là : [la: f ] nên khi chia : laughs đọc là /s/ ( từ đặc biệt cần nhớ)
- Những từ còn lại phát âm là /z/ : plays /z/, stands /z/....

b. Use (cách dùng):

Diễn tả một sự việc ở hiện tại, thói quen. Vd: I oFten get up at 5 o’clock.

- Diễn tả sự thật, các hiện tượng tự nhiên. Vd: The sun rises in the East and sets in the West.

- Diễn tả kế hoạch đã định sẵn trong tương lai (lịch trình). Vd: They collect and empty garbage on January 9.

c. Từ đi kèm (dấu hiệu nhận biết):  always / usually / often / sometimes / everyday,…

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  1. (hµnh ®éng nµo x¶y ra tríc: chia ë QKTD, hµnh ®éng x¶y ra sau: chia ë QK§ vµ ®i kÌm when) -DiÔn t¶ 2 hµnh ®éng cïng x¶y ra t¹i 1 thêi ®iÓm x¸c ®Þnh trong qu¸ khø. Ex:While I was watching TV, my father was reading a newspaper. c-C¸c tõ ®i kÌm: At 8 o’clock last night, at this time last week/ month/ year, when , while. *Mét sè ®éng tõ kh«ng chia ë th× tiÕp diÔn: Hear, know, understand, have, love, like, want, prefer, need, wish 2-Th× hiÖn t¹i tiÕp diÔn víi always: Mang ý nghÜa than phiÒn vÒ ®iÒu g×: You are always getting up late in winter. Mai is always getting up late in winter. - Asks Ss if they often talk in class in order to give the complain Encourage Ss to give the complain about their friends: SA : You are always talking in class. Minh is always talking in class. S + am/ is / are + always + V ing II: Structures 1- : It’s + adjective + to-V - It’s dangerous to swim in that river. ( Bôi ôû con soâng ñoù thaät nguy hieåm.) - It’s easy to learn English. ( Hoïc tieáng Anh raát deã.) - It’s difficult to do that exercise. ( Laøm baøi taäp ñoù raát khoù.) Nhöõng tính từ thöôøng gaëp trong caáu truùc naøy laø: It’s + easy, difficult, hard, dangerous, important, necessary, interesting, nice, great => adj + to V = To V + tobe + adj = V-ing + tobe + adj 2-: Subject + Verb + adjective + noun clause - They are delighted that you passed your exam. (Hoï raát vui khi baïn thi ñaäu.) - He was happy that you remembered his birthday. ( OÂng aáy raát vui khi baïn nhôù sinh nhaät cuûa oâng aáy.) - I’m sure that they will come. (Toâi chaéc chaén hoï seõ ñeán.) Nhöõng Adjectives thöôøng gaëp trong caáu truùc naøy laø: happy, delighted, sad, sure, certain, relieved, afraid, sorry 3. PHRASE OF PURPOSE Ta coù theå duøng caáu truùc so as (not) to + Vo hoaëc in order (not) to + Vo ñeå dieãn taû 1 muïc ñích. Ví duï: - I study hard in order to pass the exam. - I study hard so as to pass the exam 4: V-ing and V-ed participles - HiÖn t¹i ph©n tõ vµ qu¸ khø ph©n tõ: V-ing and V-ed participles: Coù 2 loaïi Participle Phrases : Present Participle Phrases vaø Past Participle Phrases. a. Present Participle Phrases: dieãn taû yù “ñang laøm gì”. 14
  2. III: passive voice 1-Cách chuyển tư câu chủ động sang bị động: S + V + O S + be + pII + by+O *C©u bÞ ®éng ë th× hiÖn t¹i thêng: S + V-s,es + O S + am/ is/ are + pII + by+ O Ex: The workers make the pens. The pens are made by workers. *C©u bÞ ®éng ë th× qu¸ khø ®¬n: S + V-ed + O S + was / were + pII + by+ O EX: I visited my grandparents last week. My parents were visited by me last week. *C©u bÞ ®éng ë th× hiÖn t¹i hoµn thµnh: S + have/ has + V- pII + O S + have/ has + been + pII + by+ O Ex:They have built this house since last week. This house has been built since last week (by them) *C©u bÞ ®éng cña c¸c ®éng tõ khuyÕt thiÕu: S + modal + V + O S + modal + be + pII + by+O Ex:He can mend this bike. This bike can be mended by him. C¸ch chuyÓn tõ c©u chñ ®éng sang c©u bÞ ®éng: -X¸c ®Þnh chñ ng÷, ®éng tõ, t©n ng÷ cña c©u chñ ®éng. -T©n ng÷ cña c©u chñ ®éng chuyÓn thµnh chñ ng÷ cña c©u bÞ ®éng. -ViÕt be ë th× cña ®éng tõ chÝnh trong c©u chñ ®éng. -ViÕt ®éng tõ chÝnh cña c©u bÞ ®éng ë d¹ng qu¸ khø ph©n tõ. -Chñ ng÷ cña c©u chñ ®éng chuyÓn thµnh t©n ng÷ cña c©u bÞ ®éng, viÕt sau ch÷ BY. -NÕu chñ ng÷ lµ ®¹i tõ nh©n xng (they, he, she, we, you) hay ®¹i tõ bÊt ®Þnh (someone, everyone ) cã thÓ bá ë c©u bÞ ®éng. -§èi víi ®éng tõ khuyÕt thiÕu ë c©u bÞ ®éng, ta thªm BE vµo gi÷a ®éng tõ khuyÕt thiÕu vµ ®éng tõ chÝnh (ë d¹ng qu¸ khø ph©n tõ) 1
  3. >Gi¸n tiÕp: S + said + (that) Clause (lïi th×) VD: Lan said: “I am a student”. >Lan said (that) she was a student. 2-D¹ng c©u trùc tiÕp lµ c©u cÇu khiÕn, c©u mÖnh lÖnh: *C¸ch chuyÓn: -§æi ®éng tõ say >tell, said >told, sau ®ã thªm t©n ng÷ vµo sau nã. -Bá dÊu phÈy, dÊu ngoÆc kÐp, dÊu chÊm than, tõ please (nÕu cã). -§æi ®¹i tõ nh©n xng, tÝnh tõ së h÷u, tr¹ng tõ chØ thêi gian, n¬i chèn (nÕu cÇn thiÕt) +Kh¼ng ®Þnh: Trùc tiÕp: S + say/ said, “V ” >Gi¸n tiÕp: S + tell/ told + O + to + V VD: She said, “Close the books, please!” >She told the students to close the books. +Phñ ®Þnh: Trùc tiÕp: S + say/ said, “Don’t + V ” >Gi¸n tiÕp: S + tell/ told + O + not + to + V VD: She said, “Don’t sit down!” >She told me not to sit down 3-D¹ng c©u trùc tiÕp lµ c©u hái ®¶o (Yes/ No- questions) *C¸ch chuyÓn: -§æi said >asked (hoÆc wanted to know/ wondered) sau ®ã thªm t©n ng÷ (nÕu cÇn thiÕt). -Bá dÊu ngoÆc kÐp, dÊu phÈy vµ dÊu hái. -§Æt If/ whether lªn tríc chñ ng÷ cña c©u gi¸n tiÕp +®éng tõ lïi th×. -§æi ng«i, ®æi tõ chØ thêi gian vµ n¬i chèn(nÕu cÇn thiÕt). Trùc tiÕp: Do/ Does/ Did + S + V ? >Gi¸n tiÕp: S + asked + O + if/ whether + S + V-lïi th× VD: “Do you go to school?” he said. >He asked me whether/ if I went to school. +D¹ng ®éng tõ khuyÕt thiÕu: Trùc tiÕp: Can/ shall/ will+ S + V .? >Gi¸n tiÕp: S + asked + O + if/ whether + S + could/ should/ would + V-(BI) VD: Mary said to Nam, “Can you speak English?” >Mary asked Nam if/ whether he could speak English. 4-D¹ng c©u trùc tiÕp lµ c©u hái cã tõ ®Ó hái: (Wh-questions) *C¸ch chuyÓn: -§æi said >asked (hoÆc wanted to know/ wondered) sau ®ã thªm t©n ng÷ (nÕu cÇn thiÕt). -Bá dÊu ngoÆc kÐp, dÊu phÈy vµ dÊu hái. -§Æt tõ hái wh lªn tríc chñ ng÷ cña c©u gi¸n tiÕp +®éng tõ lïi th×. -§æi ng«i, ®æi tõ chØ thêi gian vµ n¬i chèn(nÕu cÇn thiÕt). *C«ng thøc: Trùc tiÕp: Tõ hái + do/ does/ did + S + V ? 3
  4. 6. The boy ___ next to Hoa is a new comer. ( sits / sitting / to sit ). 7.Would you mind if I___ you a question. ( asking / to ask / asked ). 8. Ba ___ a shower at 8 o’clock last night. ( is talking / was talking ) 9. He ___ he was aplumber .( says / said / to say ). 10. It is a ___ contest.(cooking - rice / riced - cooking / rice – cooking ) 11. Which of the following is not a wonder of the world ? ( Angkor Wat / Big Ben / Hanging Gardens of Babylon ). 12. Last week, our school held ___ ( a contest arranging – flower / an arranging – flower contest / a flower – arranging contest ). 13. Would you mind if I ___ off the light. ( turning / turn / turned ). 14. Empty milk bottels are ___ by the milkmen in Britan. (collect / collecting / collected ) 15. Can I get you some madicine ? This sentence is a(n)___ ( offer / request / promise ). 16. You can only see the ___ nowadays. ( Hangig Gardens of Babylon / Statue of Zues / Piramid of cheops ) 17. We are watching a ___ on TV ( fighting – bull festival / bull – fighting festival / festival bull fighting ). 18. A:Could you call an ambulance, please ? B: ___ ( all right / yes, please / I’m glad ) 19. The school gate ___ at 5.30 PM every day. ( lock / locks / is locked ) 20.This is a picture os Mount Rushnore where a heads of a four American presidents are ___ into the rock. ( put / carved / cut ) 21. I can see a boy ___ a water buffalo. ( ride / riding / to ride ) 22. It is ___ to travel around Vietnam. ( interesting / interested / interestedly ) 23. Cool the burns immediately so as to ___ tissu damage. ( ease / relieve / minimize ) 24. Milk bottels can be ___ after being cleaned (recycled / thrown away / broken / reused) 25. We are looking for ward to ___ you in May ( seeing / see / to see / be seen ) 26. The Piramid of cheops is one of the seven ___ of the world. ( pyramids / temples / wonders 27. Angkor Wat ___ around 1100 to honor a Hindu God ( is built / was built / has been built ) 28. What is a ___ contest ? ( fire – making / fires – making / fire – make ) 29. Do you mind if I ___ here ? ( sitting / to sit / sit ) 30. The boy ___ a book is Ba ( reading / read / to read ) 31. I ___ Cuba in 1990 ( visit / visited / have visited ) 32. Don’t forget to give the vitim a cup of tea when he ( revives / revive / reviving ). 33. It’s ___ to travel around Vienam. ( interesting / interested / interest ). 34. Milions of Christmas cards ___ every year. ( were sent / are sent / send / is sending ). II. Write complete sentences: 1. Sydney Opera House / complete / 1973 2. Nhi asked Nga / she know / My Son 3. You / finish / homework / yet, Ba ? 4. The Le family / sleep / when / the mailman / come. 5. We / delighted / you / instrested / protect / environment 6. While / I / dinner / phone / ring . 7. When / the poem / write ? 8. The celabration / will / hold / tomorrow . 5
  5. V. Change the following sentences into passive voice: 1. The performed Christmas songs for people in town. 2. Mr. Thanh didn’t teach me last year. 3. Does Viet Nam export rice to many countries ? 4. They have just built a new church near my house. 5. Somebody must do something for these poor men. 6. People speak English and French in Canada. 7. People say that he is the best doctor. 8. Bell invented the telephone in 1876. 9. They will laugh at you wear that silly hat. 10. Miss. Thanh taught me to draw the Christmas cards. 11.My grandfather built this house over 40 years ago. VI. Change these sentences into active voice : 1. They will be helped by the kind man 2. French isn’t taught in this school. 3. Was this symphony written by Mozart ? 4. The Christmas trees were decorated and put at the front door. 5. My camera was stolen from my hotel room a few day ago. 6. Most of the question can be answered by Nam. 7. A new supermarket is going to be built next year. 8. How often are these animals fed ? VII.Rewrite these sentences, using reperted speech: 1. He said to us : “You are my best friends” 2. Nam said : “Lan wants to come here but she isn’t very well” 3. He said to friends : “I must go home now” . 4. Lan said : “I don’t know how to do these exercises”. 5. Nien asked Hoa : “Do you have many friends ?” 6. Thanh said to her teacher: “I will finish my execises at home”. 7. Tom said : “ I am student.” 8. Nga to her brother : “I can’t answer this question”. 9. Charles said : “I’m living in London now.” 10.Johnny said to me “I don’t know what Fred is doing.” 11.She said : “I will answer the phone.” 12.July said : “John wants to come here but he isn’t very well.” 13.Susan said : “ My sister is coming to see me next week.” 14.Judy said to me : “I’m going away for a few days. I’ll phone you when I get back.” VIII. Combine each pair of sentences, using in oder ( not ) to or so as ( not ) to : 1. He always drives carefully. He doesn’t want to cause accidents. 2. The boy stood on the benches. They want to get a better wiew. 3. Nam is studying very hard. He wants to keep pace with his classmates. 4. We turned out the lights. We didn’t want to waste electricity. 5. He moved to the front row. He could hear the speaker better. 6. I wish to have enough money. I want to buy a new house. 7. Thanh and Na are going to Australia. They want to learn English. 8. We hurried to school. We didn’t want to be late. 9. T went to the college. I wanted to see Professor Taylor. 10.She wore warm clothes. She didn’t want to get cold. 7