Ôn tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Câu điều kiện







Ex1: If it rains, I will stay at home

Ex2: If you don't know her address, I can tell you

Ex3: If you have a long holiday, where will you go?

 Ex4: If you meet your parents, send them my regards

- positive

              If + S1+ Vs,es/V-inf+ O, S2+ will + V-inf + O


           If + S1+ don't/ doesn't+ V-inf+ O, S2+ will + not + V-inf + O.


          If + S1+ Vs,es/V-inf+ O, (wh) + will +S2+ V-inf + O?                           

- Imperative

          If + S1+ Vs,es/Vinf + O, Vinf + O..

Use: talk about things, actions which can happen at present or in the future.

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  1. CONDITIONAL SENTENCES TYPE 1 AND TYPE 2 Teacher: Ngo Le Huong Dong Tien Secondary School
  2. 1.WHAT IS THE CONDITIONAL SENTENCE? Eg: If it rains, I will stay at home. If –clause , main clause I would go camping if it didn’t rain . Main clause if clause
  3. Note: Instead of “will” in the main clause, we can use other model verbs such as may, might, must, should, can . If + S + V(present simple), S + may/might/must ( not) +V-inf should/can - may/might (sự có thể) If you drop that glass, it might break. - can/may (sự cho phép) If you finish your homework, you can watch TV. - must (sự tuân theo/sự cần thiết) You must/ have to study hard if you want to pass the exam. - should ((lời khuyên) If you ever go to Chicago, you should take a boat trip on the river. - can (khả năng) She can learn to become a good cook if she tries hard
  4. * HOW TO WRITE THE CONDITIONAL SENTENCES TYPE 1 a. Ex 1: Pay attention to the lesson and you will understand it. -> If you pay attention to the lesson , you will understand it V+O +and + S+ will/ can + V + O => If + S + V + O, S + will/ can + V + O b. Ex 2: Stay away from me or/ otherwise I will shout. -> If you don't stay away from me, I will shout V+O +or/ otherwise + S+ will/ can + V + O => If + S + don't/ doesn’t + Vinf + O, S + will/ can + V + O . c. Ex 3. If she doesn't water these flowers everyday, they will die -> Unless she waters these flowers everyday, they will die. If + S1 + don't/ doesn't + Vinf + O, S2 + will/can/may + V + O -> Unless +S1 + Vs,es + O, S2 + will/can/may + V + O
  5. 6.Unless you ___all of my questions, I can't do anything to help you. A. answered BB. answer C. would answer D. are answering 7.If someone ___ in to the store, smile and say, "May I help you?" AA. comes B. came C. come D. should come 8. "Here's my phone number". "Thanks. I'll give you a call if I ___some help tomorrow" A. will need BB. need C. would need D. needed
  6. * INVERSION Ex1. If I were you, I would buy this house. = Were I you, I would buy this house Ex2. If they offered you the job, would you accept? → Were they to offer you the job, would you accept? If S+ were + O/ Adj , S + would/could + Vnt Ved/ cột 2 didn’t + V-inf =Were + S + O/adj , S + Would /could + Vnt to +Vnt ( not) to + V nt
  7. Ex2: If it didn’t rain, we would go camping. -> Unless it rained, we would go camping. If + S1+ didn’t + V-inf + O, S2+ would/ could ( not) + V-inf weren’t/ wasn’t -> Unless + S1+ V-ed/ cột 2 + O, S2+ would/ could ( not)+V-inf were was Ex4: I think You should give up smoking. -> If I were you, I would give up smoking. I think/ In my opinion you should + V-inf . = If I were you, I should/would + Vinf .
  8. 3. PRACTICE Ex2.Choose the best answer A, B, C or D 1. If I . .a lot of money now, I a new car. A. have/ will buy B. have/ would buy C. had/ will buy DD. had/ would buy. 2. If I you, I .do that. A. am/ will BB. were/ would C. were/ will D. had been/ would. 3. If I were offered the job, I think I . . it. A. take B. will take CC. would take D. would have taken. 4. I would be very surprised if he . A. refuses BB. refused C. had refused D. would refuse. 5. Many people would be out of work if that factory down. A. closes B. had closed CC. closed D. would close.
  9. EX3: CORRECT THE RIGHT VERBS FORM IN THE CONDITIONAL SENTENCES TYPE 1 AND TYPE 2. 1. If I were you, I ___Would learn (learn) now. 2. Chuck ___ (ask) us, we would lend him our asked books. 3. If they ___are (be) at home, they will learn my words. 4. If Jack has a new DVD, he ___Will lend (lend) it to Cindy. 5. If you washed the car, he ___Would get (get) more pocket money. 6. If you ___came (come), you would meet them. 7. If we go to London, we ___will see (see) Buckingham Palace. 8. Jenny will help you if she ___has (have) more time. 9. Sandy___would tell (tell) him if she asked her. 10. I___ (wash) my hands if he gives me a soap. will wash
  10. Ex5 .Rewrite the following sentences using the conditional sentence 1.Minh doesn’t read many English books because she doesn’t have time. If Minh had time, she would read many English books. 2.I think you should spend more time improving your pronunciation. If I were you, I would spend more time improving my pronunciation. 3. If Peter had such a lot of English homework, he wouldn’t go to the party. Were Peter to have such a lot of English homework, he wouldn’t go to the party. 4. Turn off all the lights and you will not pay more money. If You turn off all the lights, you will not pay more money. 5. Unless she wears warm clothes, she will have a cold. If She doesn’t wear warm clothes, she will have a cold. 6. If you are careful , you won’t have an accident. Should You be careful, you won’t have an accident