Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 7: Recipes and eating habits - Lesson 3: A close look 2

Complete the sentences by putting the verbs into the correct tense

1.If we (not have) time this afternoon, we (meet) tomorrow.

2.Simon (fly) to London next week if he (get) a cheap flight.

3.If she (be) late, we (go) without her.


1.don’t have / will meet

2.will fly / gets

3.is / will go

In conditional sentences type 1, we use a simple present tense in the if-clause and will + V(infinitive) in the main clause. This is the standard form.

Mi: I can wash the spring onions if you like, Mrs Warner.

Nick’s mum: You should be careful if you use the red knife – it’s sharp.

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  1. Complete the sentences by putting the verbs into the correct tense 1. If we (not have) time this afternoon, we (meet) tomorrow. 2. Simon (fly) to London next week if he (get) a cheap flight. 3. If she (be) late, we (go) without her. Keys: 1. don’t have / will meet 2. will fly / gets 3. is / will go In conditional sentences type 1, we use a simple present tense in the if-clause and will + V(infinitive) in the main clause. This is the standard form.
  2. MODAL VERBS IN CONDITIONAL SENTENCES TYPE 1 Examples: 1. If you finish your dinner, you can watch TV. (permission) 2. She can learn to become a good cook if she tries hard. (ability) 3. If he likes eating spicy food, he may/might add chilli (possibility) 4. If you don’t want to get burnt, you must follow these safety instructions. (necessity) 5. If you feel unwell, you shouldn’t eat fast food. (advice) Instead of will, we can use other modal verbs such as can, must, may, might or should in the main clause to express ability, permission, advice, possibilities, necessity, etc. Form: If + S + V(s/es) ,S + will/can/must/should/may/might + V.
  3. 6. What will you say in these situations? Use suitable modal verbs with conditional sentences type 1. Example: → If you want to study abroad, you should learn to cook. 1. Your father likes salty food, but you think it is necessary to reduce the amount of salt in his food. Otherwise, his health will suffer. You share your opinion with him. → If you want to have good health, you must reduce the amount of salt in your food. 2. Your brother is a good eater. He’s able to eat three bowls of rice when he’s hungry. You tell this to your friend. → If my brother is hungry, he can eat three bowls of rice. 3. You want to take a cooking class. Your mum agrees but asks you to choose a class at the weekend. Here is what she says to you. → You can take a cooking class if it is at the weekend. 4. Your friend offers you a slice of pork, but you see that it is undercooked. You refuse because it is possible that you will have a stomachache. You tell this to her. → If I eat this undercooked pork, I may have a stomachache. 5. Your sister is making a cake. You advise her to whisk the eggs for 10 minutes so that the cake is lighter. → You should whisk the eggs for 10 minutes if you want a lighter cake.
  4. 1/ a/an + a/an = one (một) (đứng trước danh từ đếm được số ít) • an + danh từ bắt đầu là một nguyên âm: a, e, i, o, u Ex : an apple / an orange / an umbrella • a + danh từ bắt đầu là một phụ âm Ex : a book / a chair/ a hat / a pen . 2/ some – any: một vài, một ít (đứng trước danh từ đếm được số nhiều và các danh từ không đếm được) • some: dùng cho câu khẳng định, lời mời, câu yêu cầu Ex : Would you like some cofee? Could I have some tea? • any: dùng cho câu phủ định và nghi vấn.
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