Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 3: Teen stress and pressure - Lesson 1: Getting started


- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to use the lexical items related to changes in adolesence, espescially adjectives describing people’s feelings, understand the dialogue and  complete all the activities of the lesson.

B. Language knowledge.

1. Structures:  - Question words before to-infinitive and reported speech (review)

2.Vocabulary:  - Adjectives describing people’s feeling

              - worried/tense/stressed; relaxed/confident relaxed/calm/delighted /depressed/

C. Teaching aids.

1. Teacher:   - Text book ,Cassette player  and electronic plan.

2. Students:  - Notebooks, text books, workbook 

D. Skills.

+ Target skills: Reading & listening                 

+ Others:         Writing & speaking


I. Warm – up:  Revision (5ms ) 

- Do a quick Whole- class activity on comparison learnt in unit 2

- Ask ss to give sentences to compare the two cities basing on the words/ phrases given

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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 3: Teen stress and pressure - Lesson 1: Getting started

  1. -Now start the lesson. T. prepares three magazine cut-outs or photos of teenagers with different facial experience : worried, happy, angry, scared, relaxed - Ask the class to describe the photos and ask them guess why these teenagers are feeling this way II. New lesson (35ms) 1. Vocabulary: ( 7ms ) - Left out (adj):cô lập/ bị bỏ rơi - Disappoint(v): làm thất vọng - Put oneself in someone’s shoes(v): đặt vào h/c của ai đó - Frustrated /frʌˈstreɪtɪd/ (adj): bực bội , thất vọng - Depressed /dɪˈprest/ (adj): tuyệt vọng - Empathise / empathize /ˈempəθaɪz/ = to share feelings and problems: thong cam - graduate: /ˈɡrædʒuət/ : v & n: bằng cấp, tốt nghiệp - Repeat in chorus and individually - Copy all the words 2. Listen and read: ( 28ms ) - Let ss look at the picture in the book with the text content covered. - Ask them some questions to help them know the content of the dialogue + Where are Phuc, Nick and Veronica? + What are they going to do? + What are they talking about? + Why do you think Mai couldn’t come? - Not give correction. Tell ss they are going to listen to the conversation between Phuc, nick and Amelie. Activity 1: a- Find the opposite of the following words in the conversation
  2. Key: Amelie wishes her parents could put themselves in her situation to better understand her. Activity 2: Fill in the gaps with the words in the box - Ss work in pairs to complete this task. Remind them to pay attention to the content words in each sentence, which may help them to choose the most suitable word. Tell Ss in most cases more than one option may be suitable. After they have finished, go through each item as a whole class. - T may explain the difference between 'depressed' and other words such as 'tense', 'worried', or 'stressed'. (The word 'depressed' is very strong and used only to describe someone who is deeply sad and has lost hope.) Key: 1. worried/ tense/ stressed- relaxed/ confident 2. calm 3. depressed/ frustrated 4. confident/ calm/ relaxed 5. delighted/ confident 6. frustrated/ worried Activity 3: Match the statements with the functions Before Ss start doing this exercise, + check ss’s understanding by asking them to explain the meaning of the phrases given in the box. Explain the meaning of 'give advice','encourage', 'empathise', and 'assure'. +give advice: to give suggestions and ideas to help somebody make a decision +encourage: to give someone support and confidence to do something +empathise: to be able to understand how someone else feels +assure: to tell someone that something is going to be all right, so that they do not worry - Ss work individually first, then in pairs. Then give corrective feedback to the whole class. Ask Ss to give examples of the situations in which these sentences are said. 1. encourage 2. give advice 3. empathise 4. assure 5. empathise 6. encourage III. Consolidation: ( 4ms ) Activity 4: - Speaking “How do you feel today?”