Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Chương trình cả năm

Period 1:                        REVISION

  • Objective: 

 - By the end of the lesson,Ss will be able to remind the forms, the uses  of tense or vocabulary  they’ve learnt.

  • Language focus:
  1. Vocabulary: 
  2. Grammar: 
  • Teaching aids:   lesson plan, sub-board,…
  • Procedure:


1Present perfect  tense:

- Call Ss to remind, ask Ss to make examples and then give the form and the uses.

a) Use: 

b)  Form: Have/ Has + P2

c) Example:

           We have learnt English for 2 years / since 2008.

           Have you ever been to Boston?

           I haven’t met Mi Tam yet.

* Note: The P.P tense often goes with” for, since, never, ever, just, already…”

2. Past progressive tense:

? How is the past progressive verb formed? 

? What is it used for?

- Ask Ss to give the uses, the form and then make some examples with positive, negative and affirmative.

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  1. a. very perfect b. perfective c. perfectively d. perfectly 9. d 7. is large building in a college or 10.c university where students live. a. Campus b. Hall c. Institute d. Dormitory 11.a 8. Dickens is my English novelist 12.b a. preferable b. favorable c. favorite d. likeable 9. I’m looking to hearing from you a. at b. after c. over d. forward 13.a 10. You . more exercise if you . to 14.d keep fit a. can make/ want b. ought to do/ want c. should take/ want d. might do/ want 11. Please let Tom . with you 15.b a. go b. going c. to go d. goes 16.d 12. The children are forced to work . 12 hours a day, seven days a week in the factories. a. to b. up to c. till d. during 13. Last week, Justin said “ I’ll do it tomorrow” . He said he would do it a. the following day b. the previous day 17.b c. the day before d. tomorrow 18.b 14. Someone the tickets are free a. said b. said me that c. told to me d. told me 15. There is going to be a big art exhibition a. A lot of visitors will be attracted to it. 19.a b. It will attract a lot of visitors. 20.c c. It will be attracted by a lot of visitors. d. A lot of visitors will attract it. 16. The police officer stopped us and asked us where a. were you going b. are you going c. we are going d. we were going 17. I in heavy traffic every day a. used to drive b. am used to driving c. get used to drive d. used to driving 18. . a car when they were living in London? a. Had they b. Did they have c. Were they having d. Have they had
  2. 12. Nga woke up late she couldn’t reach the first train. a. because b. however c. So d. but 13. You should practice English in order to talk to your foreign friends a. to speak b. speak c. speaking d. spoken 14. If he . hard, he will pass the exam a. study b. studied c . studies d. to studies 15 . Mai . in HN for 3 years a. has lived b. is living c. lives d. live 16. If Mai had some money, she . Ha Long Bay a. will visit b. would visit c. visited d. won’t visit 17. He will have a meeting 7 am to 10 am a. at b. from c. in d. till 18 . Lan is different . her sister a. for b. with c. into d. from 19. There is a river across the village a. flowing b. running c. lying d. reaching 20. If you study at The Brighton Language Center- UK, you can live in . on campus. a. dormitory b. hotel c. house d. apartment III. HOMEWORK : - Learn by heart : wish, if , preposition, tense. . - Prepare the first semester. Date of making: 20/ 12/ 2013 Period 34: Revision I. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, Ss will review some exercises . II. LANGUAGE CONTENTS : Grammar : Vocabulary :
  3. 5. A. bring B. brought C. bringing D. to bring II. 6. A. viewers B. seers C. lookers D. watchers 7. A. add B. edit C. addition D. 1. F editor 2. F 8. A. made B. designed C. did D. built 3. T 9. A. many B. much C. more D. most 4. T 10. A. sport B. sporting C. sported D. sportier II. Read and choose T/ F Learning a foreign language is, in some ways, like learning how to fly . there are some differences, but there is very important similarity. It is this: learning how to do these things needs a lot of practice. It is never enough to read a book on how to fly a plane. A book can give you a lot of information about how to fly, but if you only read that book, then try to fly without any practice, you will kill yourself. The same is true of learning a foreign language. III For example , can you speak English well without having 1. b lots of practice?” “ Practice makes perfect” is what every 2. c learner of a foreign language should know 3. a 1. Learning a foreign language and learning to fly are 4. c the same in an important way. T / F 5. b 2. Information about flying from books in enough for 6. a someone to fly. T / F 7. b 3. It is dangerous to try to fly without any real practice. 8. d T / F 9. b 4. Talking to a native speaker can be a good way to speak English well T / F III. Choose a, b, c, d : 1. Let’s go somewhere for a drink , ? a. shall we b. shan’t wec. aren’t we d. we are 2. I am late for school , . ? a. am I b. am not I c. aren’t I d. I am 3. She may not come to class today, ? a. may she b. does she c. is she d. isn’t she 10. c 4. They will buy a new computer, ? 11. b a. will they b. don’t they c. won’t they 12. b d. are they 13. a 5. She can drink a lot of tomato juice every day, ? a. doesn’t she b. can’t she c. could she d. is she 6. Tam didn’t go to school yesterday, . ?
  4.  THE END  Week 18 period 35 Date : 01/ 01/ 2008 REVIEW I. OBJECTIVES: By the end the lesson, Ss will do some exercises. II. LANGUAGE CONTENTS: Grammar : Vocabulary : III. TECHNIQUES: Matching IV. TEACHING AIDS : Books, poster, . . . . V. PROCEDURE : T’s and Ss’ Content activities I . WARM UP :
  5. 9.D 5. The national dress of Japanese women is ___ 10.B A. Ao dai B. Sari C. Jeans D. Kimono 6. We have lived in this city___ 1999. 11.D A. for B. since C. ago D. in 12.D 7. ___ French with native people yet ? A. Did you learn B. were you 13.C learning C. do you learn D. have you learnt 8. Is this the second time you ___ 14.D a car ? A. drive B. drove C. have driven D.are driven 15.D 9. David ___ in London . A. is born B. will born C. born D. was born 10. When ___ ? in 1980 16.B A. is the church built ` B. was the church built 17.B C. did the church build D. has the church been built 11. No one knows why the man ___ 18.D A. killed B. kills C. is killed D. was killed 19.A 12. The students ___ to smoke A. don’t allow B. are allowed 20.D C. doesn’t allow D. aren’t allowed 13. Vietnam ___ into three regions. The North, the Central and the South A. divides B. divided C. is dividedD. are III Reading divided 1.A 14. Millions of books___ out of this bookstore every year 2.C A. sell B. was sold C. have sold D. are sold. 3.A 15. No decision ___ until now A. is made B. was made 4.D C. is being made D. has been 5.D made 16. The washing machine ___ for over ten years A. is used B. has
  6. b ) 1B oldest dye in the world. Most Jeans have blue 2.D threads going across and white threads going 3.B up and down. These two colors make denim 4.A look different from other kinds of cloth. 5.C 1 The word denim comes from the name of a city in . A. France B. India C. Italy D. Germany 2. The word jeans is from the name of a city in A . France B.The United States C Italy D Germany 3 Levi Strauss went to California to ___ A sell thing to miners B look for gold C make jeans D be a sailor 4 Rivets___ A make good sails B make tent strong C come from Genoa D make the pockets of jeans strong 5 . Cloth is make from thousands of ___ A tents B sails C factories C threads IV WRITING a) Choose the best answer to complete each sentence 1 “Does Mike dress well ?” “___is not important” A A. person wears B What does a person wear C What a person wears D What a person wear 2 “I miss my brother very much” “___him lately A Can’t you see B Haven’t you seen C Do you see D would you see 3 M y uncle John ___ A Is just made manager of the firm B Has just made manager of the firm C Has just been made manager of the firm
  7. new flat yet 4/being /it / that /unsafe/block down /of/because/ is /flats/ pulled / is / . / A.That block of flats is being pulled down because it is unsafe B .That block is being pulled down because it is unsafe of flats C. It is unsafe because that block of flats is being down pulled D. That block of flats is pulled down because it is being unsafe 5/ years /she / every / on /problem / the /three /last /for / spent /of / life /this / her /has / minute /. / A . For the last three years she has spent this problem on every minute of her life B . For every three years she has spent the last minute of her life on this problem C .For the last three years she has spent every minute of her life on this problem D .For the three years she last has spent every minute of her life on this problem III. HOMEWORK : - Learn the exercises by heart. - Prepare the next exercises . COMMENTS 1. ÖU ÑIEÅM : 2. KHUYEÁT ÑIEÅM : ___ Week 18 period 36 Date : 04/ 01/ 2008 REVIEW I. OBJECTIVES: By the end the lesson, Ss will do some exercises. II. LANGUAGE CONTENTS:
  8. a. were you last see you last see c.were you last seeing d.did you last see 3.”I wish you longer” Lan said to Maryam at the end of the week. a. could stay b.stay c.will stay d.can stay 4. Do you .say this in class ? a. allow me b.permit that I c.mind if I d.let me 5. What to Maryam and her pen pal ? a.happening b.was happened c.did happen d.happened 6 . The capital of .is Kuala Lumpur and it is also the largest city of the country. a. The Philippines b.Singapore C/ IDENTIFYING c.Malaysia d.indonesia MISTAKES :(1M) 7.W e a good 1 - A 2 - B holiday last year. 3 - A 4 - C a. made b.passed c.had d.spend 8. Buddhism is a (n) a. association b.religion d.imagination 9. Miss Hoa is very She goes to church every morning a. religious b.religiously c.religion d.religioner D / READING: 10. Did he live in the country 1 - C 2 - D 3 when he was young. - A 4 - B 5 - D a. use to b.used to c.get used to 6 - B 7 - D 8 used to - B 9 - C 10 - C 11. Jam wishes his father .here now to help him a. is b. were c.will be d. would be 12. Kuala Lumpur ,Ha Noi is a busy modern city . a. In spite of b. Although c.L ike d.As C. Identify mistakes (1m)
  9. 2 - B small d. clean (3) 3 - D 3. a. live b. are living c. 4 - C lives d. lived (1) 5 - D 4. a. lot b.lots c. many d.much (1) 5. a. is b. will be c.were d. are (1) 6. b. beautiful c. beautify d. beautifully (1) 7. a. in b. on c. at d. for (3) 8. a. good b. goods c. goodness d. goody (2) 9. a. sells b. selling c. sell d. sold (1) 10.a. priced b. price c. prices d. pricer (1) E. Writing: I / Circle the correct sentence (a,b,c or d) made from the words given 1. I /when / was / girl / a / little / used to / I / get up / 9 o'clock /at / . a .when was I a little girl, I used to get up at nine o’clock. b. when I was a girl little ,I use to get up at nine o’clock. c. when I was a little girl, I used to get up at nine o’clock. d. when I used to get up at nine o’clock, I was a little girl. 2. Kuala Lumpur / is / Ha Noi / different /from / ? a. Kuala Lumpur is different from Ha Noi? b.Is Kuala Lumpur from Ha Noi different? c. Is Kuala Lumpur different from Ha Noi ? d. from Kuala Lumpur ,is Ha Noi different ? 3. I /a lot of / met / people / on / holiday / my / . a. I met a lot of people on my holiday . b. A lot of people met I on my holiday. c. I met people a lot of on my holiday. d. I met on my holiday a lot of people. 4. There / many / books / are / in / my / school / library / . a. There many books are
  10. 5. When did you buy this car ? a. How long do you buy this car ? b. How long have you buy this car ? c. How long did you buy this car ? d. How long have you bought this car ? III. HOMEWORK : -Learn the exercises by heart. - Prepare the next semester COMMENTS 1. ÖU ÑIEÅM: 2. KHUYEÁT ÑIEÅM: